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The 2015 Southampton Boat Show

The 2015 Southampton Boat Show (the largest “in the water” show in Europe) opened on Friday 11 Sept. with more exhibits and more attractions than ever. Our Marine Sanitation and pump company LeeSan (part of the Pump Technology Group) are exhibiting with an even larger stand this year on D001

LeeSan, have over 25 years’ experience designing, specifying and supplying equipment for seagoing and inland waterways craft of all sizes. They hold extensive stocks of spares and replacement components for most marine toilets.

They are now promoting their ‘One Stop Pump Shop’ for Clean or Waste Water and can specify a pump for all applications.

This year they will be featuring a selection of toilet and wall mountable tanks as complete packages for those looking to install a holding tank/overboard discharge system with household style porcelain macerator toilets. So far the staff on the stand report excellent visitor numbers which are reflected both in enquiries and orders.

Let’s hope the rain holds off till next Sunday.[su_spacer size=”10″]
