Catering installations
The correct layout and equipment selection of a commercial kitchen certainly will help make a busy environment easier and more effective. The demands placed on equipment by staff is often arduous, robustness and equipment reliability being tested every day.
Drainage from sinks, dishwashers, pasta makers, ovens, ideally would be via gravity, but often the best layout means a wastewater pumping system is required.
Like all your catering equipment, any pumping system has to be reliable. The last thing a chef wants to deal with is blocked drains and flooding of their kitchen!
Typically, an installed pump will have to be man enough to cope with about everything, examples being- Coffee granules, milk skin, food particles, grease and fats!
For equipment like dishwashers and ovens with wash cycles that involve very hot water, specialist high-temperature pumps are required. Without these, drainage from these vital pieces of equipment cannot be relied upon.

Thankfully there is a wide range of wastewater pumping systems/lifting stations available. When correctly matched to an application, reliability and long service life are assured.
We have been supporting the catering industry for over 30 years, we understand the demands placed on wastewater drainage pumps, the subtle design features that make one pump solution better than another.
Our team will select the best technical and price pumping solution for you first time. You will know the tank size is suitable, you’ll have the best pump arrangement for your environment (single or duplex), a pump suitable for- 10mm to 32mm food particle sizes, temperature- standard 40 deg c, or hot 90deg c, high-level alarm, tank vent….etc…
Pump Technology wastewater lifting stations are designed for the catering industry, being easy to operate and maintain. Design features like robust lid seals, lids easy to remove and replace, pumps with fixed and low-level float arms for accurate start / stop pump operation, high-level alarms, venting filters…. everything you need to make your life simple and your kitchen operate efficiently.
All your wastewater pumping requirements are reliably solved by the Pump Technology team.
For your catering wastewater pump solution please call 0118 982 1555
Commonly used products include
Read some case studies of our previous work
The old 1960’s sports hall has been divided in two and the best practical design for both staff and children meant the staff kitchen and additional shower room needed to be introduced into the centre of the space. However, this placed them too far from the existing sewer to allow any gravity drainage.
Let Pump Technology Ltd take the strain: One Company, One Solution, One CALL
To get technical help for the right specification the first time, call 0118 9821 555