Domestic Pumping Stations, is price the main consideration?

When you specify a below-ground sewage pumping station you really want to know that is the last you’re going to hear about it. You certainly don’t want to be called back in a few months because of problems, so where should price fit into the equation?

Interestingly, there are good quality pump stations within a wide range of prices, so that shouldn’t be the controlling factor when making a purchase.

It is far more important to accurately match the system to the requirements, these are:

The size of below ground tank, the pump type and size, the controls and the availability of stock.

Whole House Systems:
Following the CIBSE Guide, if the whole house or houses are solely relying on a pumping station then the sizing of the system needs to provide 24hr storage based on personal usage of 120L per day. The pumping system should have two submersible pumps with duty standby operation. This will require the pumps to be guide rail mounted, controlled by a four float system and have a control panel with alarm options.

Pumps should be vortex design with a free flow passage of 60mm dia. Decades of experience by pump engineers confirm that with pumps of this specification, the likelihood of blockage from foreign items such as tampons, wet wipes etc. is significantly reduced, if not eliminated.

House Extensions:
On the other hand, for house extensions, with the rest of the house connected to the public sewer by gravity, a smaller tank and smaller, submersible, free-standing pump with just 50mm free flow clearance will suffice.  The pump uses its own float for start-stop. A single, independent float is connected to a high-level alarm.

If this pumping system becomes blocked, the residents can revert to using the alternative facilities connected to the house gravity system.

Ask a specialist:
Our project team can offer accurate advice on selecting the correct pumping station, from the new Micro 160/6VX to the PumpMatic Standard or Custom Build stations.

Custom options can include – tank depth, number and position of inlets and a range of leading brand, submersible pumps. For high head or small-bore pipe applications, we offer a range of cutter pumps with single or three-phase motor options.

We are happy to discuss any application, offer guidance with local site requirements and provide clear instructions for installation. Commissioning and maintenance services are also available nationally.