Failing Sewage Pumping Stations Could an “Upgrade” be the answer?

Too many Repeat Service Visits:
When an Engineer finds that they are constantly going back to the same site to deal with the same problem, tankering out and replacing the same clogged and blocked pumps time and time again, an upgrade to the system may be the best solution.
Incorrect Pump Specification:
A common problem with poorly performing commercial pumping stations is the initial specification being designed using domestic (lower price) equipment.
Often these systems include a small submersible pump with only a 50mm free flow vortex impeller, suitable for toilet paper and human waste, but not things like Tampons, Wet Wipes, Condom’s and other unsuitable items which users flush down the toilet. These don’t break down or dissolve. Instead they become trapped, shredded and entangled, eventually clogging and blocking the vortex impeller and volute.
An Upgrade might be the answer
By upgrading the submersible pump to a commercial version with a free flow passage size of 60 mm diameter or greater, successful handling of “foreign objects” is significantly increased.
Retrofitting a pumping station with better pumps, improved internal pipework and valves, guide rail systems and control panels is often the only solution to fixing a troublesome pump station.
Let the Pump Technology Team help you out
We are the UK’s foremost domestic and commercial wastewater and sewage pumping expert. We stock a comprehensive range of tanks, pumps, control panels and accessories from all major manufacturers and pride ourselves on offering the best possible advice.
To ensure that the upgrade is possible and will satisfy the customer, our pumping station team will be happy to review the current equipment and application with you and suggest the most efficient and cost-effective alternative.