How high and how far can I pump
Depending on pump, max closed valve head is 13m, max flow rate 7.9 L/S.
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Depending on pump, max closed valve head is 13m, max flow rate 7.9 L/S.
Depending on the pump, 10mm to 30mm soft solids.
An automatic submersible Jung Pumpen U3K, U3K Special, U5K, U6K, US73HE /103HE and US73HES / 103HES (Rated for liquid temperatures 90 deg c)
From 110mm to 185mm, depending on the pump selected. This ensures the suction to the pump is always flooded and prevents the possibility of air locking.
Square, 410mm L x 410mm W, 445mm H
Recyclable Polyethylene. The tank is rigid, easier to drill tank connections into, and the sides of the tank are less likely to congeal with fats and grease.
No tools are required to remove the lid. It’s held in place by 4 off stainless hand screws.